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Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:55
The following decisions were taken in the first Executive Committee meeting about Short-term and Long-term programs for the networking and uplift of Science Education in the member States
- A website for the Network will be launched. All member academies will provide information about their infrastructure to the Pakistan Academy of Sciences within the next 6 – 8 weeks. IAP website may also be consulted in this regard.
- Network Newsletter on the model of IAP Newsletter will be published electronically.
- Young scientists of the member academies will be provided Travel grants to attend Seminars/Conferences and Workshops. TWAS will be approached for help through its Travel Grant Program.
- Remote lectures downloaded by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan will be sent to all the member academies in the form of CDs for duplication and distribution to their members.
- Possibilities of Initiating Distance Learning Program shall be explored. Virtual/Open Universities may be established in the member States.
- Member Academies will encourage their members to write books which can be published as e-Books. The Network shall pay honorarium to the authors.
- Collaborative and bilateral research programs shall be initiated. In this regard, areas of strength and centers of excellence shall be identified and encouraged to start collaborative activities.
- Visiting Teachers program shall be initiated with Travel grants from the Network/TWAS with provision of local hospitality by the inviting Academies.
- With the advent of WTO Regime, the Academies should help the OIC Countries to prepare for necessary IPR & Patent Laws.
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Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:49
About Us
Founding Members of NASIC
- Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan (ASA)
- Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH)
- Egyptian Academy of Sciences
- Indonesian Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Arab Academy of Sciences
- Islamic Academy of Sciences (IAS)
- National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Akademi Sains Malaysia
- Nigerian Academy of Sciences
- Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS)
- Senegalese Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
- The Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS)
- Palestine Academy of Sciences
The Pakistan Academy of Sciences was selected as the Secretariat of the Network. OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) agreed to provide support to Pakistan Academy of Sciences in tuning the Secretariat.
- Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences
- Prof. Murat Zhurinov, Vice President, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Prof. Adnan Badran, Vice President, Arab Academy of Sciences, Jordan.
- Dr. Saleh Mohd. Nor, Vice President, Akademi Saina, Malaysia.
- Prof. G. Ogunmola, Vice President, Nigerian Academy of Sciences.
- Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan, Secretary General, Pakistan Academy of Sciences
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