Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:56

Aims & Objectives

  • The Network of Academies of Sciences in Countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (NASIC) hereinafter referred as the Network, is an autonomous scientific organization, established by Academies of Science in OIC Countries.
  • The Network should be a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit scientific organization.
  • The general objective of the Network is to encourage and enhance collaboration and cooperation among members of the network and the scientific communities within the OIC Countries. In pursuing these objectives the Network should collaborate with other Academies inside and outside the OIC as well as with regional and international organizations concerned with problems in OIC countries.
  • The specific objectives of the Network are as under;
    • Develop collaboration in scientific research between members of the Network and the Scientific Communities in OIC Countries.
    • Promote cooperation between Academies in OIC Countries by exchanging information on programmes and experiences and sharing common visions.
    • Assist in building the capacities of Academies in OIC Countries to improve their role as independent expert advisors to governments and to strengthen their national, regional and international functions.
    • Assist Science Communities in OIC Countries to set up National independent Academies where such bodies do not exist.
    • Organize conferences, workshops and symposia and issue statements or reports on topics of major concern to OIC Countries.
    • Develop Common Stands and make Common Statements on major issues relevant to OIC Countries.
Read 6922 times Last modified on Monday, 27 October 2014 06:39