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Super User

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
Saturday, 24 May 2014 16:00


The governing bodies of the network are the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.

  1. The General Assembly consists of the Presidents, or their representatives, of all Academies that are Members of the Network.
  2. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the Network and is empowered to take decisions on all matters affecting the rules, regulations, membership, programmes and activities of the Network. Formulate the General Policy of the Network. Direct the Executive Committee to carry out any other duties it may deem necessary for attaining the objective of the Network
Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:58


The Membership of the Network should be open to Academies of Sciences in OIC Countries, as follows:

  • Founding Members

Founding Members are those academies present at the inaugural formation of the Network at an inaugural meeting on the 17th March, 2004 in Islamabad and that had ratified their membership within two months of that date. Other Academies not present at the inaugural meeting, may become Founding Members by confirming their membership within two months of the above date.

  • The following Academies attended the meeting agreed to become the founding members of the Network:
Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan image063
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences image065
Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia & Herzegovina image067
Egyptian Academy of Sciences image069
Indonesian Academy of Sciences image071
Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran image073
Arab Academy of Sciences image074
Islamic Academy of Sciences (IAS) image091
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan image093
Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) image077
Nigerian Academy of Sciences image079
Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) image081
Senegalese Academy of Sciences image083
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan image085
The Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) image087
Palestine Academy of Sciences image089
Sudanese National Academy of Sceinces SudanFlag
Hassan II Academy of Sceinces and Technology MoroccoFlag
Academy of Sceinces of Turkmenistan TurkmenistanFlag
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan TatarstanFlag
  • National Academies of Sciences in OIC Countries other than the Founding Members, whose members are elected on the basis of Scientific Excellence. Each Country shall be represented by only one Academy.
  • Application for Membership must be made in writing to the Network Secretariat and shall be considered by the Executive Committee and confirmed by a majority of Members by circulation and confirmed by General Assembly.
Saturday, 24 May 2014 15:56

Aims & Objectives

  • The Network of Academies of Sciences in Countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (NASIC) hereinafter referred as the Network, is an autonomous scientific organization, established by Academies of Science in OIC Countries.
  • The Network should be a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit scientific organization.
  • The general objective of the Network is to encourage and enhance collaboration and cooperation among members of the network and the scientific communities within the OIC Countries. In pursuing these objectives the Network should collaborate with other Academies inside and outside the OIC as well as with regional and international organizations concerned with problems in OIC countries.
  • The specific objectives of the Network are as under;
    • Develop collaboration in scientific research between members of the Network and the Scientific Communities in OIC Countries.
    • Promote cooperation between Academies in OIC Countries by exchanging information on programmes and experiences and sharing common visions.
    • Assist in building the capacities of Academies in OIC Countries to improve their role as independent expert advisors to governments and to strengthen their national, regional and international functions.
    • Assist Science Communities in OIC Countries to set up National independent Academies where such bodies do not exist.
    • Organize conferences, workshops and symposia and issue statements or reports on topics of major concern to OIC Countries.
    • Develop Common Stands and make Common Statements on major issues relevant to OIC Countries.
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